Thursday, September 28, 2017

10 Months and Counting......

It has been 10 months since we learned I have stage 4 breast cancer.  Cancer that has spread to my lungs. Cancer that has no cure, only medication that can try to help stop the cancer from growing. That is until the cancer out smarts the drug and starts to grow again.  The average lifespan after diagnosis is 3 to 5 years.  There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about that.  Over the last 10 months I have met many awesome women that are also stage 4.  Lifers (#lifer) like me....  One living a great life with stage 4 breast cancer for over 17 years.  Some 10 years younger than me with tiny children.  Some who have passed away just 2 years after their diagnosis.  Some who's drugs are failing them so onto the next drug they go.  Every one's story is different, the same treatment can be tolerated so differently for the person next to me.  Yet we all connect, and share this bond that no one else can relate to and trust me we don't want you in our club.  I had a scan this week, my 5th scan in 10 months.  My scan reads STABLE.  Stable in the cancer world is awesome news!  I said many prayers of thanks after receiving that news.

Since my last blog I have been pretty busy checking things off my bucket list.....  I have jumped 10,000 feet out of a perfectly good airplane, free falling at 125 mph is the most incredible thrill, then the parachute opens, you start to slow down and the view of the world is just breathtaking.

My friend Susan and I took a trip to NYC. In 4 days we managed to see Time Square, see the show Wicked, walk through Central Park, Watch Lady A perform on Good Morning America, Visit the Twin Tower Memorials, take a cruise around the Statue of Liberty, master the subway and get backstage at the Today Show meeting Kathie Lee and Hoda and getting 5 seconds of fame on national TV. My sweet friend Cari set that up and Susan managed to keep it a secret.  It is a great story.  
School has started, Bryce is a Junior and Brooke is in 8th grade.  It is such a joy to watch them grow up I am so thankful I am here each day to see them, and be their Mother.  
I finally after 10 months feel like I have a pretty good balance between life and life with cancer.  I know my limits, I don't always like them but I am learning to deal with them.  I am finding joy in each day, living in the moment because the moment is all any of us truly have.  I stopped stressing about silly things, and just chose joy. 

If you haven't heard this song "My Story" by Big Daddy Weave take a few minutes to listen to it...

Peace and Hope,