Friday, January 12, 2018

Choose Joy

Cancer can do funny things to our minds.  It makes you aware of every ache and pain, terrifying you that the cancer could be growing.  It makes you think about the specials gifts you want to buy your children for their graduation day or wedding day because statistically odds are you wont be there to celebrate with them but then I tell myself its just a statistic and I may make those statistics change.  It keeps me up at night, and sometimes doesn't allow my brain to shut off.

Cancer makes me laugh at little things that I used to think were a big problem and it makes me slow down and relax more.  The other morning during rush hour traffic in Grand Rapids I was waiting to turn right and the anxious driver behind me kept honking because apparently my definition of a safe turn and his was different.  I couldn't help but laugh and think really dude, if your biggest problem right now is my safe driving, lets trade problems.  I eventually turned and as he sped by me he so kindly gave me his middle finger.

Cancer makes you closer with old friends, makes new friends and can drive friends away.  It makes you stop and enjoy the little things, and live in the moment because as I have said before, this moment right now is all any of us are guaranteed.  Cancer makes me want to check my bucket list off a little faster, and explore the world a little more.

After 13 months of Ibrance and Faslodex, and another scan my report reads that my cancer is stable.  Unchanged, no new growth.  Today I Choose Joy.  Joyful that I am stable, Joyful for Ibrance and Faslodex and Joyful I still feel well enough to go to work, travel, have fun and be a Mom.  Life is good!

Image result for choose joy sign

Peace and Hope,