As a young adult if anyone ever told me that I would face cancer at 30 years young, I would of said, that won't happen to me! If anyone would of told me 9 years later at 39 I would be facing stage 4 cancer with no cure, I would of said, that won't happen to me! If anyone told me that in my lifetime we would experience a world pandemic that would put the United States at a stand still, I wouldn't of believed them. Again, here we are at this time I didn't think I would ever see.....
I won't lie, in the beginning days of COVID-19, I didn't think that it would stop me from living the life I am used to. For those of you who know me well you know that I have two motto's that I live by. One is "Get Busy Living" and the other is,"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass it is about learning to dance in the rain." So, of course I was going to get busy living. No pandemic was going to stop me from our planned vacation. Well it did, it cancelled school, sports, stopped me from stepping foot in a business for an extended period of time and so many other things. My sons freshman year of college as they have known it on campus has been cut short. The last day my high school daughter spent in a classroom as a sophomore was in March. Bryce and Peyton are swimming in the waters of online zoom classes in our country home with limited WiFi and my daughter is filling her time trying new recipes, learning to cook and bake instead of attending high school and running track. Life feels like we are living in a bad movie some days.
We all have a different story. Our reasons for the way we react to this pandemic are all different. For me it is because I have a weakened immune system even though most days I appear to be very healthy. I have breast cancer in my lungs, COVID-19 would likely kill me. Some days it overwhelms me to no end, on those days I pray for strength. Some days I am so productive I forget the nightmare we are living in right now, those days I thank God for the strength I was given. Some people have fear because they are suddenly not be working and will loose health insurance or not be able to pay bills during this time. Some people maybe recovering addicts now stuck at home and isolated. Some are having to change wedding plans and baby showers, some are dying alone because visitors aren't allowed in many hospitals. Whatever your story is you are in my prayers. If you aren't a believer you still have my prayers. I haven't stepped foot in a business in over 23 days. Daily I walk or ride my bike, usually to the Lakeshore because that is my happy place. I didn't hoard toilet paper during this pandemic, I was a paint hoarder previously to the pandemic, for over a year I have had 6 gallons of paint sitting in my basement waiting for a rainy day or the energy to paint. Needless to say we have found ways to also put the paint to good use with our extra time. We have had our children take turns preparing dinner. It has been fun to see what they come up with and how independent they can be. The boys have been chopping and stacking wood. Brooke stays busy organizing things and working out. It brings a smile to my face watch her sprint past the window when I look outside. I am working, but from home which I thank God daily for. Jeff is laid off due to COVID-19, we don't usually take stay-cations, whenever we use vacation time we are usually off exploring somewhere, so many of our unfinished projects are being completed while he is home. This is all new to us, and we would much rather be carrying on with life as we knew it two months ago, I thank God everyday we are under one roof together, that we are healthy and finding ways to keep busy. I personally could not get through this tough time without my Faith in God. Prayer keeps me strong when it could be so easy to be weak.
Regardless of your political views, rather you like Trump or not, want Governor Whitmer recalled or think she is doing a great job. Maybe you lost a loved one during this pandemic and didn't get to lay them to rest the way you needed, to have the closure. You might own a business big or small and fear it may not make it through this pandemic. You might be home with young kids driving you crazy, or home all alone like our 93 year old Grandmother is. You might have been in the middle of infertility treatments and now those are put off. Maybe you are working on the front lines exposed to COVID daily. Whatever it is you are doing, it is a scary time. Sometimes that fear makes me say things or act in ways I don't want to. Each time I start to feel fear take over, I remind myself, "Faith over Fear" Faith over Fear is what keeps me pushing through living life with cancer and it will be what gets me through the trying times of this global pandemic. If I can pray for you, please send me a message and let me know! I would be honored to say a prayer for you too.
One of my favorite worship songs...
Peace and Hugs,