Sunday, October 1, 2023

 Chemo Break Ups are Hard.

All break ups are hard, right?  Especially Chemo breakups.  For the last year, every other week I have had an infusion of a clinical trial chemotherapy that targets only the bad cells and protects the good cells. So exciting that scientists are figuring out how to do this! It has been one of my best years yet! I have felt so good and "normal" while receiving this treatment.  

The Bad News: We learned that my cancer has outsmarted this treatment and began to grow more. The good news inside the bad, the cancer has only grown in the same area that it always does.  So, it isn't in any new organs or places.  

Science evolves every day and I have several treatment options available.  We have been really happy with the success from clinical trials and have decided to try another one.  Next week I will be starting an oral chemotherapy trial made by Pfizer.  We are excited it's an oral treatment as that means less trips to Grand Rapids! We are praying it does its job for a long time. 

God is good every day and he gives me the strength I need to get through these times. We continue to ask for prayers that the treatment does it's job also pray for my kids and Jeff as well, these changes are never easy on them. 

We are in full empty nester mode and really enjoy our time together. Since I am feeling so great and have been doing so well, I decided to go back to work full time.  I am working remotely (yay) for Vision Service Plan (VSP) as a credentialing analyst.  I am really enjoying having a daily routine, something other than cancer to focus on and contributing to the household income again. The job is flexible and allows me to continue to #getbusyliving.  We have 3 winter trips planned and we are working on a big summer trip to celebrate our 25th anniversary. 

Here is a family picture (minus Peyton) from this summer.

Peace and Love,

Chris Stark and Family

Thursday, January 19, 2023

 Grateful Thankful and Blessed    

Grateful, Thankful and Blessed.  Might sound a bit clique but it's so true.  I am grateful and thankful to be here.  Present in life, feeling well, receiving the benefits of a clinical trial and science.  Living my life. Blessed to have a fantastic medial team, supportive and caring family and friends that help me and pray with me.  

As I mentioned before I scan for cancer growth 6 weeks at a time.  Yesterday was 18 weeks since I started my current clinical trial, and it is still keeping my cancer STABLE. Statistically speaking each time, you start a new cancer drug it typically will work for shorter periods of time until you run out of treatment options.  I am hopeful that this will be the treatment that works for years for me, changing that statistic!  I am not an anxious person, I rarely worry about anything, instead I pray.  This past week I was a wreck, not sleeping at night, having a hard time focusing on life, I couldn't stop thinking about all the things in the future I want to be here and healthy for.  My son's wedding, college graduations another summer on the water.  Jeff was the same way, not sleeping well. A co-worker told him that he was being short at work.  That's what us cancer patients call scan-xiety. (The anxiety associated with caner-detecting scans) It was amazing how after we received the stable news yesterday that those feelings went away, and I slept so well last night, at least for another 6 weeks until we scan again. 

Jeff and I are adjusting very well to being empty nesters.  It is so enjoyable watching our kids turn into adults, talking about their futures and attending college.  We truly love our quite evenings at home, talking, reading, watching shows together. Walking through the door to the house being exactly how we left it.  We also love it when the kids come home to visit, bringing loads of laundry they want help with, asking for home cooked meals, playing games together and having adult conversations.  This is a fun chapter of life! Next month we are chasing the sunshine to Belize with some friends!  We are so excited for some relaxing time together and to explore a place we haven't been before.  Get Busy Living my friends, life is too short!

Peace and love,

Chris Stark and family