Monday, June 12, 2017

No News is GOOD News

Many friends have reached out lately to see how I am doing, so I thought I would give an update.  I am GREAT!  Honestly, I feel really good.  Lately we have done some adjusting to my medication schedule, which has resulted in more sleep and I feel awesome!  I am slowly starting to exercise again, I am eating well, making my own juices, working and having a ton of fun.  I am learning to live with the menopause hot flashes which really are my biggest complaint right now, they are more annoying than the side effects of my medication.  I won't lie, I take a quick nap just about everyday, but I think that is just part of learning to adjust to the new normal and balancing the side effects that come along with my cancer and medications.

My next scan to see how my therapy is working is scheduled for June 29th, prayers for shrinking tumors are always welcome.

We have been busy celebrating graduations and weddings.  Below are a few fun pictures of my family from a recent family wedding.  I had to pull out the cancer card to get my brother Wesley to put on his precious prince crown and pose in the silly picture, but hey it worked!

I love summertime in Michigan and nothing beats the sandy lakeshore of Lake Michigan, we purchased kayaks so we could enjoy more of the simple things in life and we have had  a blast so far doing just that.  I told myself I would kayak at least once a week, and so far I have.  Below is a picture of a few of my "squad' members and I enjoying the beauty of the lake.

In July I am checking more off my bucket list and visiting NYC with one of my besties Susan Collins.  I am so blessed to be able to travel share special memories with friends. I am also turning 40 this summer. I will be celebrating that birthday for an entire week, maybe even the whole month of August. :)

We never know what the Lord's plan for us is, but we know he has an amazing plan.  I have been praying about my journey with Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC).  There has to be so much more than just living and dying with MBC. A few months ago I applied for a scholarship opportunity with "Living Beyond Breast Cancer" and after an interview with them I was awarded a scholarship to take a three day course on Breast Cancer Advocacy.  The course is in Boston in July. So, I am super excited to have the opportunity to work with other MBC women like me.  I don't know where this will take me in life, but I know I want to make a difference to others somehow.

The kids are great, after several months they talked us into getting a puppy.  Below is a picture of Cleo our chocolate lab.  She is a great pup so far and we are enjoying having her in our family. School is out and the kids are busy.  Bryce is working at Wirtz Electric where Jeff works and Brooke is busy being social.  Both are participating in summer workouts and sports camps.  Bryce will be entering 11th grade and Brooke 8th.  Time does fly!

Be sure to catch a sunset this summer, ride a wave, build a sand castle and enjoy all that life has to offer.  All we have is this moment, make your moment count.

Peace and Hope,

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